08 January 2017

The Fall of the House of Clinton

In the above video, you can view the Reverend Jesse Jackson, Jr. calling for Barack Obama to pardon Hillary Clinton before leaving office.

Undoubtedly, Rev. Jackson is carrying water for the Clintons in making that request. He is, as Black Agenda editor Glen Ford points out in the video, a very loyal servant of the Clintons. And as a loyal servant, Rev. Jackson would never make a request so damaging to the Clintons without their approval.

It's a damaging request because the legal nuance that a person need not be guilty to be pardoned is far too complicated for the general public. Instead, it will be understood more in the vein of "where there's smoke there's fire," that the Clintons are guilty of a serious crime.

Although Jackson mentions only a pardon for Hillary Clinton in the short video clip, there can be no doubt that it is a pardon for both Clintons that is actually being run up that trial balloon's tether. The evidence of their jointly-owned pay-for-play racket that emerged in the last days before the election is simply too strong.

So what we see in this video is the moment the House of Clinton fell. Now they want protection, ostensibly from Donald Trump, but in reality from whomever might come bearing pitchforks in the future. The Clintons made very powerful enemies during their reign, not the least of which are the Dark State commanders outraged by Clinton's lackadaisical attitude toward classified information.

Since the Clintons have asked for it, I'm fairly confident that Barack Obama will issue those pardons just before leaving The White House, even though it will be damaging to his legacy.

I can wish that their punishment was far more severe; the Clintons have the blood of millions of people on their hands done in by the wars they started. But things don't work that way during this period of our nation's history. So rather than the hangman's noose, confinement to a mental institution, or even banishment to the Isle of St. Helens, [1] the Clintons will walk free amongst us.

But at least their reign is over. Good riddance.

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